Acceptance Is Key To Moving Forward!

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”
John Lennon (1940-1980)

Believing in yourself is the first step to achievement of your goals!
Believing in yourself is the first step to achievement of your goals!

Don’t Be Fooled About Low Fat And Weight Loss!

For so long all you ever heard in the fitness and diet world was the key to losing weight was choosing low-fat foods. Well…how did that work out for you? Probably not so well! The reason for that is when the food industry takes out fat they usually replace it with sugar or a sugar base substitute. This is where the real problem with obesity lies.

1 sugar carb gram = 4 calories.

Counting calories from sugar is a much better system than just counting overall calories for weight loss. It takes a little longer, however it is absolutely worth the effort. You won’t have that insulin spike, out of control cravings, and up/down fatigue.

It’s important to eat enough protein, green vegetables and fats to keep you feeling full. These are fine as they are not full of sugar. Think about dark leafy greens, nuts and whole grains as they are a good source of Magnesium. Any time you can boost this naturally with food, it’s a good thing!

Speaking of boosting naturally, here’s some ways to boost your Serotonin naturally. Getting enough sleep, going for a walk in the neighborhood, gardening and smelling your flowers. Serotonin is a feel good hormone that will help your body and mind stay stress free. Stress, is one reason that makes it hard to lose weight.

To achieve optimal health and fitness, you have to let go of the practices that are ineffective and balance the ones that work.

Health & Fitness~It’s Mind Over Body!

“What screws us up most in life, is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.” – Unknown

A healthier attitude to take towards fitness is to love who you are today! The person you see in the mirror, who is doing the best he or she can do to be the healthiest person in the future. Someone who has a specific goal, that is smart and action filled. One who knows that it takes time and not drastic fad diets or crazy exercise plans, but balanced lifestyle changes. Someone who will want to help lift others along the way when they see or ask for help in their fitness quests to the best of their ability instead of judging. This is the picture of someone who is on a journey to optimal health and fitness!cropped-cropped-istock_000020700700_extrasmall.jpg

Crossfit & Pilates…What happened?

I’m sure by now, most of you have either heard or read in the news about the tragic accident that happened during a competition last month. 

There has been some questions surrounding the safety practices of the competition, such as stacked weights where he was lifting. My bigger issue is that, not just with Crossfit but I have seen this with many Pilates studios as well, they have gotten away from the pure form of the discipline. Why, perhaps giving the studio owners the benefit of the doubt it’s they saw their own vision of what it should be. On the darker side, they were trying to make a quick buck and thought they could cut a new niche out and call it their own. Whatever the case, when something good is watered down and the rules of the game are not followed it’s only a matter of time when someone will be injured.

I remember hearing a client coming back from college telling me that her roommate had just gotten a job at the University’s Rec Plex as a Pilates Instructor. I asked what certification she had gone through to get it? She told me, none…she had watched a video! Really? Where has our industry lead us! 

Point being, please ask for credentials before taking a class or hiring a trainer.  Do your homework, it’s worth the time! You have one body, your goal is to improve it not to injure and destroy.

Let’s get back to basics. This is where the real benefits and work is accomplished!

Patients’ costs skyrocket, while specialists’ incomes soar – Topix

Patients’ costs skyrocket, while specialists’ incomes soar – Topix.

This article really got to me on many levels and I would love to know your thoughts. Recently, I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon with hip pain from years of cycling. I was sure I would walk out with a script for physical therapy. Did I get the shock of a life time when he informed me that I needed a total hip replacement immediately! At my age, I would have required two additional replacements. This was devastating! I went to a chiropractor for a second opinion and she was appalled! Not only did she bring in an associate but showed me my x-ray to prove that I was nowhere near a total hip replacement. After a couple of adjustments and stretches, I can honestly tell you that I am completely pain-free.

My point is, how many of these procedures that are not needed have there been medical complications or even death? Shouldn’t the specialist be held accountable? I certainly think so!

“Discipline is …

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment” ~ Jim Rohn

Be the best you can be every day! Move a little closer to your goal and know by the end of your day that tomorrow you will be just that much higher than you were the day before. One step at a time up your personal mountain! It’s your’s alone to climb!

Is Walking All I Need To Do To Be Fit?

One of the most accessible forms of cardio exercise is walking.  It provides many health benefits and can be accomplished by all fitness levels. You can walk almost anywhere and it doesn’t really require any special equipment and can be quite a social event.

While using large muscle groups such as quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings (back of the legs) and gluteal muscles (rear) as well as other lower leg muscles. It is low impact, which means you are not stressing your body the way you might during running or jumping exercises. The great aspect of using those large muscle groups is that you improve circulation, bone health, cardiovascular endurance, reduction of obesity and the risk of diabetes. This is because it does get your heart beating faster and to some extent strengthens and tones your muscles.

If you walk on a consistent basis you may be able to lower your LDL, which is your “bad” cholesterol. Also, if you are an outdoor walker and can get some sunshine you will also get the added benefit of vitamin D.

There are some ways to improve your walking program. I have listed a few for you.

Speed and terrain really do matter.

Intervals rock! After a warm up of 5-10 minutes at an easy pace, pick up your pace as though you were late for a meeting. Go at a pace where it would be difficult to carry on a conversation for up to 5 minutes and then back down for a recovery. Recover depending on your fitness level and then when you are ready, repeat. Don’t forget to cool down and stretch at the end.

The other alternative would be to find a place where there are hills that you could walk on hills and flats, repeat.

Don’t forget your music! Nothing motivates better than a good playlist of music to get you moving.

Also, check out some apps on your phone. There are some great ones out there such as The Walk – Fitness Game, or you can just track it with any of the several apps out there that are quite motivating. I also might suggest getting a pedometer to help track steps on a daily basis. I happen to use the Fitbit and am quite happy with it, except I keep losing mine. My fault, not theirs!

As you start walking longer, I would suggest that you do get a good set of walking shoes. Dress for the weather, bring water.

Don’t take long walks after eating big meals. Last thing, I’m going to put this out here is walking all you need to be fit? You really need to add weights too. This can be a bodyweight, band, or swiss ball session. As I stated in an earlier post, fitness does not have to be complicated or expensive. But to compliment your walking, you really need to balance your program out with strength.

Make 2014 Your Best Year!
Make 2014 Your Best Year!

Happy New Year’s

With the New Year, comes many new promises and hope. Although if you think about it, every day that you wake up is a new chance to get it right.
Start your day with the mindset that you are worth the best! As such, think you only live once so treat your body and mind like they are gold! Every day of the year! So you can start begin tomorrow, but just keep going and make it stick this year. Best of wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Pay Only For What You Need!

How many New Year’s Resolutions will include expensive gym memberships, diet plans, supplements, books, videos etc… It’s a multi-billion dollar business! Oh, am I going to make some enemies in the next few sentences! What a waste of money!

The truth is health and fitness can be very basic and inexpensive. It’s all about balance and moderation of proper nutrition, exercise, sleep and lowering stress. Less is more!

Let’s start with the gym memberships. The box chain gyms (you know the ones) they appear to be a good deal until you read the fine print. They will get you with their maintenance fees, activation fees and so on. Also, what you may or may not know, is they count on most of you dropping out by the third week in January. All they really care about is that you signed their contract! They mostly figured you would get sick of the crowds and go away once you lost your willpower and for most, that happens around the third week.

Diet plans, fad of the week! Here is the thing about diets, what are the first three-letter of that word? OK, now let’s get real and talk about healthy lifestyle CHANGE! What can and will you do to make some permanent changes in your eating habits that are sustainable? Think about portion size, eating a dessert once a week instead of every night, exchange water for soda. These are just a few suggestions, I have many more that really are not that hard but can bring big changes for life time gains. It takes six months for a change to become a habit.

On the subject of eating, if this is a goal you should be looking also at your sleep and stress pattern. These have a great deal to do with over or poor eating habits. This is where I would suggest a journal. If you write down sleep, eating and emotions you might just pin down where the problem really is and maybe what the trigger might be, so you can stop it in its tracks. By the way, a journal can be a notebook that you get at Wal-Mart or Target for a dollar. Remember, I talked about balance? It might be that you have to start saying no to certain things or people and start taking better care of you!

Supplements, most of what you need you should be getting from your food! If you take the time and shop from the perimeter of the grocery store, stay away from processed foods and prepare at home you should be good to go. This, of course means if you are healthy and don’t have special needs. If your Doctor has told you that you need a certain vitamin or mineral than follow his/her lead. The general public needs to know that each vitamin can become toxic if taken in excess.

On to videos, many of them are quite good but my problem with these are you don’t have someone watching your form. My suggestion is when you are new to working out, get a certified trainer to do an assessment and give you a program with your goals and needs in mind. Watch and teach you good form and then cut you loose to do it on your own. It’s worth the money, I promise! You can do this at home at very little cost. There are endless exercises that are quite effective using bodyweight and bands.

So, with a little planning and commitment you can have a solid health and fitness plan at a very economical cost. It will take a little work on your part, but you are worth it!

Happy Healthy New Year!

“Follow Your Dr…

“Follow Your Dream” —- Poem by Amanda Bradley

Follow your dream.
Take one step at a time and don’t settle for less,
Just continue to climb.
Follow your dream.
If you stumble, don’t stop and lose sight of your goal
Press to the top.
For only on top can we see the whole view,
Can we see what we’ve done and what we can do;
Can we then have the vision to seek something new,
Press on.
Follow your dream.